
August Secret Scentbox

By Allaboutabbyx - August 18, 2019

GIFTED - Secret scentbox

I was kindly gifted this beautiful secret scent box subscription box, which I have the august edition. Firstly I want to say a huge thank you to them for this opportunity to review this months secret scent box. Secondly I would like to say how amazing I find the concept of the subscription boxes, I think it's a very clever way as we all love to test fragrances before we buy.


So what is secret scent box I hear you say? It's a monthly subscription box that is £13 a month (if you have the 12 months subscription) that allows you to test fragrances before you actually go out and buy them.  You can subscribe to either the women scent box, mens scent box and also a gift scent box. You will receive 3 different frangrance scents and altogether give you at least 30 days worth (which will last until your next box) of fragrance. You're going to smell gorgeous whilst your subscribed to these guys!


Every month you will receive 3 9ml fragrances of their choice for you to test and wear. Along with the fragrances you will recieve a note card on each fragrance.

This month included the beautiful Stella Mccartney (Stella), Elizabeth Arden (Always Red Femme) and Tommy Hilfiger (Tommy Girl Sun Kissed). Over all 3 lovely scents from 3 amazing designers, my favourite has to be the Tommy Hilfiger as it's very sweet. 


In my opinion, I feel this subscription box is amazing for its value. I think it's a fantastic service that provides lovely scents for you to trial. I love how small they as you can take them with you on holiday, for a weekend away. They are perfect for travelling, nice and easy  to pack away.  I love the idea and hats off to the creators, this product is 10/10. 

Let me know in the comments if you subscribe to this service and your thoughts <3

Love Abby xoxo

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